Gross Motor Play for Stable Groups
Gross Motor Play:
Outdoor play, fresh air will be important for children to access each day. Separate and stable groups of staff and children only will use the outdoor spaces in order to adhere to social distancing guidelines. We will implement and promote the following measures to ensure best practice:
Stable groups will use the outdoor spaces in adherence to social distancing guidelines.
Groups of children will share the same outdoor play space areas, but rotating separate time spent there. Separate and staggered times will be implemented to avoid crowding in hallways or the walk way.
All playground equipment will be cleaned and sanitized in adherence to CDC guidelines, between use of groups. Each classroom will have their separate bin of sand toys, balls and other items for outdoor play which will be cleaned each day.
Stable groups of children will not mix with other stable groups.
Facial tissues and hand sanitizer will be available outdoors.
Children often feel free outside in nature and may more readily share their feelings and range of emotions without all the recent reminders to them.
Teachers should be prepared to provide emotional support for children both inside and outdoors. Included in outside routines should be opportunities and strategies for practicing mindfulness (exercise, breathing, reading books, calming activities).
Teachers will promote distance by avoiding, when possible, grouping, clusters and gatherings on the outdoor play spaces by creating stations and activities that support fresh air and exercise, but reduce the chances of congregating.
During inclement weather, indoor common and typically shared spaces will not be used. There will be no use of the hallway for gross motor play.
*Next groups will not venture out until the group is confirmed as returned to their classroom.